Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Prompt No. 5 Open Gun Carriers...2nd Amendment too far?
Read the articles, folks! And feel free to research more on your own if you'd like.
Regardless of whether you are a supporter of our 2nd Amendment right to own a gun, what do you think about people openly carrying their weapons into restaurants, stores, parks, etc.? Do you think that that should be protected or do you think that's maybe taking your gun rights too far? Read the articles and come to a decision. We'll definitely talk about this more in class later.
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It is absolutely ridiculous to have a need to carry a firearm around with you to public places. Guns serve no purpose to society, other than killing. If open carry was protected, think of how many more case there will be similar to the Dade City popcorn case (if you don't know what that is, look up "Dade City popcorn theater shooting" on Google)? Your constitutional and natural rights are always protected, as long as they don't infringe upon another's rights and freedoms (then it becomes a matter of compelling state interest). By openly carrying a gun in public facilities, there is cause for a potential fear/panic, which infringes upon the natural right of Freedom from Fear as outlined in FDR's State of the Union address. Also to point out the ruling of District of Columbia v. Heller, Justice A. Scalia wrote that the Second Amendment Right "is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose." So now I must question, is it a topic of "should it be protected", or one of "is it protected"?
An open gun policy for everyday street life is very risky but that is not what I think of when I am voting yes or no on whether it should be legal. To have it legal to openly carry a gun and prevent dangerous incidents that most people think will happen, there needs to be strict rules and processes that people must follow. In order to provide the training, test and laws necessary the government will raise taxes on the everyday citizens. Even someone who doesn’t own a gun would need to dish out more of their own money to the government. So yes, an open gun policy probably is going to far with the gun rights, but the economy is what I am worried about most.
-Katherine Neal
A Open gun policy is not a, in my opinion is not right. It's to dangerous for there to be a law that allows people to carry around weapons willy nilly. If a individual were to be allowed to wield a weapon anywhere he or she pleased then people will be bound to get hurt or killed, if a individual were to get into a fight with another and they both had guns. It could be a blood bath. The risks to the population is just too much, although many people say it is our right to bare arms, it is not our right to carry them around recklessly.
Yes, there is too many irresponsable people, carrying a gun out in public can cause fear, I don't think anyone or at least I wouldn't feel safe if I go out in public and see people carrying guns.It isn't safe , like Jonathan said if people were to get mad, and they had guns it would be desastrous. The only people who should have guns out in public should be the police.
I feel that carrying guns openly in public is completely unnecessary, even if an area you're living in isn't the safest. For one thing carrying a gun around in public can be seen as a threat by other people and that way the violence would increase. In a restaurant in Colorado, the waitresses have begun carrying loaded guns on them while also approaching customers and taking their orders. That is ridiculous and can be detrimental to their business as I'm sure a good parent wouldn't agree to taking their children to a restaurant where even the slightest incident can end up scarring them both physically and mentally.
I truly don't care where people carry their guns as long as they are responsible and have the proper licenses. The second amendment is there incase we have to revolt against and oppressive and/or unjust government because as far as I remember, under British rule we weren't able to have many weapons. It wouldn't be quite as useful if no one could take their guns off their property. There are huge issues with people carrying their guns in public, but with proper regulations it shouldn't be a problem. Currently our regulations aren't good enough, but that can be worked on.
I really don't mind where people want to take their guns. The only thing is that they should have the proper license to have a weapon. Yea it is risky to carry it in public because there are to many irresponsible people, but some people carry it for their own protection. In the end it is our right to bare arms, so I don't see any problem with carrying a gun in public
-Louis Bellido
An Open Gun policy is absolutely unnecessary in America. Having guns out in public not only creates panic among people but it also exposes people, especially children to these dangerous objects. Although, one might carry a gun for public safety, there are people like the police who know how to use a weapon and can protect the citizen. What if the person carrying the gun gets drunk in a bar and starts threatening people with the weapon, who will stop him then? It is just too risky to have guns out in public because it encourages the use of them. Like Ed mentioned, the only purpose a gun has it is for killing people and having them open like that in public puts people’s life in danger.
It is completely asinine to allow people to openly carry their guns in public places. You do not even have to shoot the gun to cause violence. As Ali said, the fact that someone is openly carrying a gun is a threat to any person that is perhaps walking with their children, or with their significant other. Also, the ratio of people having good intentions with their gun, such as self-defense, and bad intentions, such as murdering someone, is not something that we should risk ourselves to find out. If we find what the ratio is, we would find out that our death rate will increase. I firmly believe that people would take advantage of an Open Gun Policy with irresponsible and disgusting acts.
An Open Gun policy would definitely ridiculous to have. Our streets would be very dangerous and parents would be scared to take and let there kids out. People now a days use guns very irresponsibly and dangerously. Some people just take guns out just to be "cool" or for protection. People just having to take there guns out to public places like the parks is ridiculous because then their are children endangered. Mistakes happen very fast and if someone makes a quick and easy mistake with a gun at a park a child can get hurt majorly or even death. Some people can't even be responsible or take the second amendment serious and that's just them having a right to have a gun what makes you think they'll take the Open Gun policy responsible. Just in general the idea of having an Open Gun policy is not a good idea and I wouldn't protect it at all.
t is completely unnecessary to openly carry a gun, especially to bring such things into public places like parks and restraunts. Carry firearms in public is going to far. It would only cause more accidents to happen and it puts everyone in danger. If openly carrying guns was allowed in society, then the government will have to place strict restrictions on the people and to preform thorough background checks on everyone owning a gun and not allow anyone with a criminal record or a mental disorder to own a gun. It is just as Katherine has said before. There needs to be strict rules and processes for us to follow and we must be given training by the government so we know how o use guns responsibly. However, like I said in the previous prompt, just because we have the right to bear arms doesn't mean we should just carry them everywhere and not take responsibility for what happens. -Jonathan Greene
We claim that the second amendment is in place for our protection right? If so, why wouldn’t we carry firearms in public? Yes it is true that we are protecting ourselves from our government but it is also true that we can protect ourselves from each other. Like I stated in the previous prompt it makes no sense to only protect yourself in your home, I feel safest in my own house. A gun locked in a safe under your bed will not protect you against an assailant in the park. Now I’m not saying we all go get guns, however if you own one for “personal protection” I say you better be carrying that thing around so you can protect yourself. Secondly it takes a lot to get a gun, we don’t just hand them out anymore. That being said I know that if someone has a gun in public he is both qualified and trained, this makes ME feel safer.
There is no reason why a person should have to carry their gun with them just to go to a store or park. The Second Amendment gives the people the right to carry a gun to protect themselves. Unless a person plans on having to protect themselves at a store, there is no reason to carry one. Guns are most common in the country side, and the slums. The people on the country side use them to hunt for food, that's reasonable. In the slums people use them to hurt other people, or protect themselves from the criminals. Either way the guns are used to help survive, which is why the second amendment was made. People don't need to protect themselves in a restaurant or a park. There is no reason why people should carry their guns everywhere they go. Guns are made with one purpose, to kill.
I completely, 100% disagree with the decision of allowing people to carry guns in public places. Anyone would feel threated by someone holding a gun, does not matter if they are just holding it for self-defense. Parents would not feel comfortable sending their kids to the park, let alone anywhere. Guns cause problems, period. As Mia stated , people are already irresponsible with following the Second Amendment , and that's only the right to bear arms! Which makes the Open Gun Policy even scarier. I feel that people would take full advantage of an Open Gun Policy, violently, and irresponsibly. This policy should not even be taken into consideration!
-Sham Abrha
Ms. rebelo, I can't do the next post on time. I will be gone till sunday and willnot be in contact with the internet.
Why dont you email her? (
Carrying a gun around in open public is ridiculous. Not only does it increase the chance of gun violence in America that is already high as it is, but many civilians that see a person that isn’t law enforcement holding weapons don’t feel safe. I would have to say that bring firearms into stores, restaurants, and parks is actually really overdoing the 2nd Amendment. Even though the area that you can be living in can be unsafe to some, it doesn’t mean that you have to hold a firearms everywhere you go. If one was to carry a firearm out in public, it would be best for it to be concealed or hidden away to not frighten the public. That is only if desperately needed. If not, then firearms should be left back at the owner’s house.
-Daniel Negron
My answer remains very similar to the previous open gun carrying prompt. It doesn't seem right to restrict the open carrying of guns. Why would someone go out of there way to get a gun and have it sit at home when they could be attacked in public. It makes sense how people would fear someone holding a gun with them in public, but that's why people have to get licensed to hold guns. The gun itself isn't terrifying, it's people subconscious that creates fearful thoughts about the gun which makes it scary. Guns should be allowed in public, the second amendment isn't going too far. -Markos Kassahun
The idea that anyone should be openly carrying firearms with them anywhere is ridiculous. People openly carrying around guns is like countries embracing Militarism. The owner of the gun wants to show off how amazing his gun is and yours isn't in the same way a military leader wants to show off how great his army is and how bad other armies are. This "need' to show off you firearm will only escalate small issues, things that would normally end without any shooting or real violence will only get worse because of possession of firearms.
Like I stated in the other prompt regarding carrying guns in public; there is no need. The 2nd Amendment was written at a time of conflict and war, weapons were somewhat necessary for safety. That is why weapons were thought to be required, to protect oneself.However, they are the contrary. Weapons instill fear into the people around them and they can easily be mishandled and accidents can happen that would easily be avoided by leaving the weapon at home where it belongs. The way I see it, if someone is in possession of a weapon, they are bound to want to use it at some point. Why give someone the power to carry a weapon at there own discretion?
There is no reason whatsoever to have to carry around a gun in public places. It does more harm than good in most cases. It creates panic, mistrust and in the hands of the wrong user, murder. There is no reason for you to have to have a gun for safety reasons especially in public places and even then, there are already policemen who are trained to use weapons and know how to protect.
It should not be necessary to openly carry around a gun everywhere you go; they're highly dangerous weapons with which we can kill or seriously injure someone whether or not it's on purpose. Not only are people irresponsible and/or short-tempered, but accidents do happen. I think it's much more likely that an innocent person is hurt or killed by gunfire than a criminal is. A lot of 2nd Amendment/open gun law supporters are all for self-defense. And that's great, but there are so many other ways to protect yourself (i.e. martial arts, which doesn't cause one to rely solely on a weapon which can accidentally go off at any time but rather on their own physical abilities). Like Juan said, open carry would just do more harm than good, and it creates panic for those around the random stranger with a gun.
People should not openly carry their weapons into public places, it just increases the risk of losing many innocent lives. Why would people feel the need to be protected when they're playing with their kid at a park or having a date in a restaurant? There is a time and place for everything and public areas should never be the place to bring a gun at. If people are scared that something might happen to them at these places, they should realize that by allowing everyone to bring a firearm to protect themselves, they would just makes public places even more dangerous.
People should not be allowed to openly carry weapons in public places such as restaurants, stores, parks, etc even if its for their own safety because it can actually lead to more danger. People will panic or have anxiety knowing someone next to them has a gun on them. Having a gun in public places just because it will make you feel safe will not make other feel safe and make them feel scared. When people are scared, many situations can happen that can turn violent. Carrying a gun in public places should not be protected by the second amendment and is taking gun rights too far.
- Anthony Hoang
I think it’s absurd for people to carry weapons in public. Most places in the United States aren’t that dangerous for you to be carrying a weapon for your self defense. And the argument of self defense is sort of bad in its own way. There are better methods than just shooting everybody for an argument. Not to mention openly carrying a gun is dangerous. Suppose you lose it? Somebody else might take it, commit a crime, and since the gun is registered under your name, you’d get part of the burden. However, banning them might be just as dangerous because, as in prohibition with alcohol, what could stop them from forming a cartel for weapons. Though Amendment II allows a person to bear arms, carrying a gun everywhere is taking it too far.
-Francisco Alvarez
I believe that it is acceptable for people to carry their weapons in public, as long as it is concealed and they are not waving it around openly. My reasoning is simple; the police take a long time to respond to things sometimes, and that time may be the difference between life and death in some situations. In that case it would be beneficial to have someone around you, or yourself, be carrying a weapon. If your family was in danger and the police aren't showing up quickly enough, wouldn't you take things into your own hands to protect them? However, I also believe that too many people are allowed to have weapons and the process which comes with getting your gun license must be made more difficult and should include mental evaluations.
-Varun Kaushal
It is completely unnecessary to allow an open gun policy. The should absolutely no reason for someone to carry a gun while being at the store or a park. Most parks prohibit alcoholic beverages, having a gun at a park is far more dangerous than having alcohol. Allowing guns in public will cause fear and maybe even more violence.If I was to see a person with a gun, other than a police officer, I would feel scared and possibly threatened.People are unpredictable and can cause harm easily if they are carrying a gun.There are other ways to feel safe other than having a gun. Allowing anyone to carry a gun in public would be doing more harm than good.
The second amendment gives us the right to bear arms, and citizens of the U.S have the right to exercise this amendment especially if the Government is allowing them to. It's not like everyone is going to have a gun, it's not like you're going to go to the grocery store to find people buying guns like they're candy bars. To have and carry around a gun you need to have a license/permit, having taken proficiency tests and gun safety tests. The Government doesn't let everyone have/own a gun.
Many people who do own guns don't bring them to public places, but let's say they did. They know how to handle a gun and odds are they aren't shooting up the place. People being able to carry guns in public may not be a bad thing. They may actually help to deter people from committing crimes or at least some, because when there's not just a chance of you being caught and thrown in jail but possibly being shot; you start to think,"Do I really want to risk it?".
Whether or not the second amendment is being taken to far or not, the right to bear arms to protected by the Government.
I don't think that openly carrying weapons into restaurants, stores, parks, etc should be protected by the second amendment because it can be very dangerous. It is not necessary to be carrying a weapon on yourself because it is unsafe for both you and the other person or even people around. Carrying a gun can cause an even higher rate in deaths than it already is from shooting. Letting people carry it in public will definitely make them scared and threatened. It is taking it too far because people will feel unsafe going anywhere outside due to weapons being carried everywhere.
- Richard Ting
I strongly believe in rigorous regulation of such things such as an open gun policy. The second amendment should extend to a open policy allowing the carrying of certain fire arms.The idea would be to make the regulation strong enough to where if another unarmed civilian were too see you with a gun in a sidearm carrier they would not be more alarmed than they would for police officer in the same place. In other words they would be educated enough in the matter to know that it wasn't just handed too you and that it was something that is for last resort defensive measures. Also that months of slow process training and evaluation were undergone. Putting in place a system strict enough to make non carriers not worried at all about carriers would be ideal and necessary firstly. In the wake of so many school shootings in America it seems logical for teachers and other school staff in example to be among the first to be lawfully armed for defense. -Ugonna Chukwu
To open carry a gun is not a right, nor a good idea. The ways that open carrying a gun can go wrong are countless including accidental firing, fear mongering, and inducing panics. I believe that the right to carry a gun is all right however if it puts your fellow citizens in jeopardy this right should be somewhat restricted, and in this case the ability to open carry should be restricted.
Open carry gun law is taking gun owners’ rights too far. It is unnecessary to protect open gun carriers’ rights because it might create fear and more crimes in our society. If the NRA and Moms Demand Action have spoken against the open gun carriers, then it means that the majority of people are feeling unsafe with it. So I think the Supreme Court should strike down this law. By striking down the open carry gun law, the Supreme Court still has not violated gun owners’ 2nd amendment rights because they are still allowed to have guns at home. However, their rights should have a limit so that they cannot frighten the others.-Minh Truong
It is acceptable for people to carry firearms for protection, but there should be fine distinction when you should carry them around. Carrying a gun in public when you are merely buying groceries or walking your dogs is absolutely ludicrous and socially unacceptable. Despite the unpredictable future, there are more than one way to defend yourself such as martial arts. Besides if everyone were to walk around with a gun in their pockets, nobody would be harmed by gunfire, since the surrounding people has the potential to shoot back and it would become an illogical scenario. I believe in society where they can be peace amongst civilians in which everyone would focus on advancing society rather than fighting for selfish desires or personal matters. Ultimately carrying a firearm in the public is deemed unsafe and is not required for daily activities.
Taking your guns openly, like carrying it around with you to public places, such as restaurants, malls, parks, etc is taking the gun right a bit too far. It is completely unnecessary to do that. People should only carry the guns when necessary, not where people can see them and feel threatened. Yes, the second amendment allows people to own guns, but people will feel like they are in danger when others are carrying it around. They will fear that the guns will be misused.
-Pammela Wilson
I believe that taking your gun into various public places is taking your gun rights too far. Guns are there to protect you and although, they may not do that in such a matter being kept away. They should not be used on a everyday basis but to be used when it's absolutely a crisis situation.
In my opinion, I do not think it should be legal for a person to carry firearms in public. I believe there would too many incidents where the court would have to rule whether a person had to kill somebody to protect themselves but that is a judgment call that is too controversial. So to avoid this problem, public firearms should be illegal in the first place. It is not like a certain group of citizens are allowed to carry them and others aren't. In this case, no would be legally allowed to so no one should feel the need to carry a gun themselves to feel protected.
In my opinion, people should not carry guns to public places. I know the second amendment allows people to own guns but people should only use it when it's necessary situation. Guns are dangerous weapons, its not necessary to carry it around. Open carry might harm people than to protect them. I agree with Elena, its increases the risk of losing innocent lives. - Nhi N.
I don't understand why a person would feel the need to carry a gun with them in public places such as a mall or restaurant or any public place for that matter. Not everywhere you go will a someone be after you or try to violently attack you. The 2nd Amendment allows people to own a gun, but that should not give them the right to openly carry one at all times. Many people would feel unsafe knowing that the person next to them has a gun that could be fired at any time. I believe that it would cause more violence in our society and possibly increase crime rates.
-Drew Valadez
Carrying a gun into anything other than a hostile situation, like a war zone or potential crime scene, is ridiculous. We appoint law enforcement for a reason, to be our protectors and uphold what we consider as justice. What is the point of them if every common citizen owned a gun and carried it around like they do their keys? Owners may argue they carry it for their own protection but do they stop to think of what their gone does to the people around them? It makes them nervous, scared, irrational, feel threatened. All of this can lead to hasty actions and preventable crime. As Americans we have the tendency to act before we think. Combine a gun at your fingertips with this tendency and crime as well as chaos will rise. This is where the government should step in to allow citizens their rights but to also protect them from themselves.
-Samantha Salazar
I don't think there should be any reason for you to feel the need to carry a firearm around with you in public areas. Having a gun with you at all times gives way too much control to a person in public. We have law enforcement for a reason and we should not be out in public trying to enforce things ourselves. Think about the fear someone in public may feel when they realize you are holding a gun. I feel if you really want to feel protected go ahead and carry pepper spray but not something that with a simple pull of a trigger can take a life.
-Jasmine Johal
Like Varun, I think that carrying guns in public is acceptable, only if it is concealed and is not been carelessly handled. The Second Amendment gives you the right to bear arms and to protect yourself, but how would you protect yourself on the streets if your weapon is at home? A lot of people, my mom including, works far away and works to late hours. If someone were to hurt her as she is walking to her car from the salon, how would having a gun at home be able to protect her? Also, there have been many incidents of kidnappings and robberies in broad daylight on the streets, parking lots, etc. and having a gun kept at home would be prove to be pointless.
-Vicky Le
Guns are extremely dangerous already, why allow these firearms be out in the public eye? Some may argue it's for their protection, but is it necessary to have a killing machine within reach when you're just going grocery shopping? Especially with the number of public shootings spiking in the last ten years, gun disputing should be taken more seriously. Take cars, for example. If everyone had the right to drive, there will be people on the road causing car crashes from not having proper training or experience.
With guns being allowed anywhere and everywhere, this could be taken advantage and potentially be used to justify unruly murders or crimes. Say a man's gun goes off and "accidentally" hits someone, he could say it was just his right to have it on him. Also, think of the influence this could have on children. If their parents have lethal arms out in the open, what's stopping the children from "playing" with it?
Personally, I believe it's ridiculous to create a catalyst for more death and destruction than we have already. The government needs to keep in mind of the people's safety above anything and guns would only put that at stake even more.
People should not openly carry their weapons into public areas. Although the intention of having a gun is mainly for self-defense and protection, the idea of carrying a gun into a restaurant, store, or park can cause an imbalance in society. The allowance of possessing guns in public areas can create a phobia of insecurity and anxiety because numerous people can have or have a gun on hand. There are already common suspicions that exist such as if you leave your child outside alone he or she may be kidnapped, or if you leave your windows or doors unlocked, there’s a higher chance of home invasion, so if we allow guns to be near schools, malls, libraries, etc., the public is more vulnerable to incidents and this paranoia. The possible effects and results of carrying guns into local areas are predictions that show how these gun rights are taken too far.
The purpose of a gun is to kill. To use a gun for protection would mean to kill someone. For a person to openly carry a gun in public means that they aren’t afraid to kill to protect themselves but it also shows that they care little for the safety of others who can get caught up should that situation arises. They are taking the gun rights too far and are causing more panic with having a gun in the open where other people had come to have a good time, gone shopping or try to continue with their everyday life. Guns just further endanger the area by increasing the stress and anxiety levels of the people in the proximity because most of those people don’t know that that one person would be carrying that gun for protect. They would see them as a person out to kill.
I still think it’s a horrible idea. Maybe in a parallel world where guns aren’t associated with fear, and death will it ever go through, but no, we live in a country where there has been 143 recorded shootings in this year alone (and we’re barely over halfway done). Where because of that amount we are desensitized to empathy but are instead consumed by fear. The Open Carry Movement in Texas has and will create problems. In May, “Fort Worth police say they responded to a bystander’s 911 call last week reporting that a group of men carrying rifles and shotguns had entered a Jack in the Box”. This is a perfect example of what will happen if people start carrying guns into public places…the police will be called. Why? Fear. Of what? Crime. It may be hard to get guns now, but not impossible, and bringing them out into the public will create a huge hazard for everyone involved.
Chicago is one of the most homicide in a capitol, and guns aren't evennecessary. Imagine if gns were legal in Chicago? Where a lot of their people die is from guns. With statistic makes me even think more that guns are not needed in society for public use. If they guns were carried for public use then imagine how many people that would probably abuse their protection. I completely disagree open gun policy ust because it is is too risky for the world.
I believe that open gun carriers should be allowed to carry their weapon anywhere. Statistics show that areas where open gun control is allowed the crime rates are extremely low. People will not mess with you if you are carrying a gun. Although this may cause a tense environment, it's the truth that people showing off their guns lower crime rates. The people who hold these gun must of course go through intense and careful background checks to make sure they're not mentally unstable and thus will almost certainly not cause a massacre. With people essentially patrolling themselves with these openly carried guns, dependence on police will lower greatly. This can be looked as a positive as we have seen an increase in police brutality the past few years.
-Luis Godinez
People should not be able to carry their weapons out in public areas. Doing so is indeed taking the rights too far and causes problems. Even if it is for the person’s personal safety, it can lead to possible injuries and the uprising of those who don’t feel comfortable around a weapon. Most people who see the police with a gun or any other weapon don’t feel as uncomfortable because they know that they’re trained. However, if people see someone whom they don’t know, they can’t tell whether or not that person is trained or not which can lead to suspicion. I believe that carrying a weapon in public shouldn’t be protected by the Second Amendment.
- Melvin Chu
Most definitely taking it too far. People can be very impulsive this could cause very serious issues. It's jist too dangerous. The same way we people don't want children around these weapons, it leads to bad things. I don't believe any good could come from it. I don't think it sets a great example foe future generations either. I feel that the second amendment should not protect carrying a weapon in public. -yadira frutos
Like I mention in the other post that was related to guns. If carrying a gun in public isn't safe , carrying guns inside restaurants isn't either, so it's definitely going to far , there is a lot of irresponsible and impulsive that wouldn't know how to handle carrying abgun in a public place
-Miriam Juarez
I believe that the 2nd Amendment has definitely gone too far especially over the years. But bringing a gun to a public place such as a park where children go and play is going too far. What if the person carrying the gun accidentally shot and killed an innocent child. It seems that guns now a days have more protection than people do. In my opinion guns are already too easily available as it is. I agree with ED when he states that guns have no other purpose in this society but to kill. Open gun carriers will just set an unbalance in the streets, and fill people with fear/panic, and no one wants to feel scared. Its just too dangerous and is wrong therefore it should no be protected.
-Sabrina Vargas
There is absolutely no reason in my mind, to even feel the need to bring a gun into a public area. All the action does is invoke fear and anxiety to the surrounding people. And again going on my belief, it should be an item fro the house for protection. There are too many ways a person with a gun in public that can go wrong. Public shootings is an example and that is why it should be illegal to carry weapons outside the house. Instead of worrying if citizens can bring them outside, we should be worrying about stricter regulations because the fact that just about anybody can legally purchase a firearm is frightening and should be fixed.
-Christian Trujano
I do not think it is necessary for people to openly carry guns around in public at all times. It can be very dangerous to others. This in my opinion would only lead to more accidents. It would be rare that a person be in a situation in which they would desperately need protection with a gun at a park or restaurant. This is only putting the other people at risk. I also believe that it would cause tension between people knowing that one or the other has a gun making them feel very unsafe and uncomfortable. I can't understand why someone would feel the need to carry a gun around at all times.
- Sara Gonzalez
For me, an open gun carry policy would give me a heart attack. The reason why everyday life is peaceful for the most part is that society is based on the assumption that no one is going to gun them down randomly in a public place. While people may argue that this goes,once again, against the Second Amendment, this desensitizes us to the fact that guns are weapons. Even if proponents say that guns don't kill people, we've too many victims and I wouldn't want people around me armed.
Open gun policy is definitely taking the meaning of the 2nd amendment too far. Carrying around a gun wherever you attend is not necessary. An uneducated person in gun safety can misuse a gun and cause havoc anywhere they are located. This can cause a sense of fear for any street walker. The mentally ill can also misuse guns, for example, the elementary school shooting. The boy who shot up the school was mentally ill and should not have been handling firearms. Though the second amendment says you have the right to bare arms, you shouldn't have the right to bare arms anywhere you please.
-Luis Plascencia
Open gun policy should not be allowed. People are not trustworthy and having them out only causes panic and uneasiness. However, it is far more dangerous to have these weapons concealed. If guns could be eradicated then that would solve everything but that is impossible.
Carrying a gun into a store, restaurant or park is just completely unnecessary in nearly all cases. As stated previously, it would be a cause for fear and tension. These are not places where one would usually have to protect themselves with fire power. The Second Amendment is one of high abuse. Many accidents and conflicts could be avoided through stricter regulation of guns and the protocols for carrying them in public. Most parents would not be to pleased with a drunk walking into the park that their kids are playing at. What about a drunk with a gun? This isn't the only example. There are endless possibilities for potentially dangerous situations.
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